
1972年的教育修正案第九条禁止在联邦资助机构的教育项目和活动中基于性别的歧视. 第九条保护学生, 教师, 工作人员和游客到我们的校园从各种形式的性别歧视.

性骚扰, 包括性暴力, 是性别歧视的一种形式,是第九条所禁止的. 不受欢迎的性挑逗, 性请求以及其他言语和非言语或身体上的性行为,如果这种行为如此严重,就构成性骚扰, 持续的或普遍的影响个人就业的, 不合理地干扰个人的工作或学习成绩的, 或者创造一个令人生畏或充满敌意的工作或教育环境.



This vision defines the way members of our community should interact with each other, 这意味着基于性别的歧视, 骚扰 (包括性暴力) and related retaliation has no place at A&移动商务.

A&移动商务将及时处理所有基于性别的歧视投诉, 由教员或针对教员进行的骚扰及相关报复, 工作人员, 学生, guests and vendors in accordance with our policies and applicable federal and state laws.

无论你是a的学生还是员工&移动商务, there may come a time when you are in need of help or someone to talk to. 商业和周边社区都在为你服务. Hit the button below for a complete guide of resources available regarding pregnancy, 住房, 心理健康等等.



阿曼达·贝瑞 第九条协调员是A吗&移动商务. 她的职责包括监督, leadership and coordination for Title IX compliance efforts regarding discrimination based on 性, 性骚扰(包括性暴力)和相关报复,并支持安全和尊重的学术, 工作和生活环境.

You can reach out to Amanda at any time with questions about civil rights/Title IX.

麦克道尔行政大楼. 120房间



这包括基于性别的歧视, 骚扰 (包括性暴力) and related retaliation when this conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, 不合理地干扰个人的工作或学习成绩的, 或者创造一个令人生畏或充满敌意的工作或教育环境.

不严厉的行为, 持续或普遍可能仍然违反其他大学政策, 在适当的时候, Ethics and Compliance will partner with other university entities to address such conduct.



道德与合规部门调查了A&移动商务. 这包括基于受保护阶层的骚扰, 基于受保护阶层的歧视, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪. 我们也会调查因举报或参与调查上述行为而遭到报复的指控.

在一个&移动商务, 受保护的阶级包括种族, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性, 性别认同, 性别表达, 性取向, 年龄, 能力, 资深地位, 遗传信息. Harassment or discrimination based on any of these classes can be reported to us.

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应投诉人或被投诉人的要求,学生权利和责任部门可以发布“不联系”限制. 一旦双方都收到了“禁止联系”的通知, all communication between the parties should cease until the restriction has been lifted. 要求另一个人与另一方沟通也将被视为违反限制. 如果你违反了无接触限制, 学生权利和责任可能会对你采取行动.

如果你在一个公共场所,而另一个人到达了同一地点, 你们应该避开对方. 如果你和另一个人在同一个地方感到不舒服, 你应该离开这里.

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是的. Individuals who intentionally mislead an investigator will be sanctioned by the University. Please note that a finding of “not responsible” is not evidence of a false report.

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If I tell Ethics and Compliance about something that happened on a certain night, 例如, is there amnesty available to me for other student conduct violations (under年龄 drinking, 药物, 等……)?

这所大学有一项赦免政策,对真诚举报性骚扰的投诉人和证人予以赦免, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 约会暴力或跟踪. 大赦政策不适用于报告自己的性骚扰行为或参与性骚扰行为的学生, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力或跟踪.

这所大学对雇员没有赦免政策. 所有员工都必须全面参与调查.

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支持性措施是非纪律性的, 酌情提供非惩罚性的个性化服务, 在投诉人或被投诉人提出正式投诉之前或之后,或在没有提出正式投诉的情况下,在合理可行的情况下,不向投诉人或被投诉人收取费用. 此类措施旨在恢复或保持成员参与教育项目或活动的平等机会,而不会给另一方造成不合理的负担, 包括旨在保护各方安全或成员的教育或工作环境的措施, 或者阻止性骚扰.

Please contact the 大学道德与合规 office to discuss supportive measures. 无论您是选择向执法部门报告事件还是通过我们的办公室进行调查,我们都会考虑您的请求. 投诉人和答辩人的要求均会考虑.

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您有权选择一名顾问在调查和解决过程中的任何时候与您在一起, 包括在你和调查员面谈的时候. 你的顾问可以是你选择的任何人,包括法律顾问. 顾问的参与仅限于观察员的角色, 尽管指导老师可以在任何时候要求休息给你建议. The advisor cannot be called as a witness once they have assumed the role of advisor. Any fees charged by an advisor will be paid by the party that brings the advisor.

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为保障所有参与调查过程人士(包括投诉人)的私隐, 受访者, 和目击者), 并保护调查过程的公正性, 我们要求你对与调查有关的信息保密. You are not prohibited from speaking with others about what is going on; however, you should be careful not to eng年龄 in conduct that could be perceived as retaliation.

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No. 你可以举报基于性别或性别的歧视, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力和跟踪的危险. 然而, if the alleged respondent has graduated or is no longer employed with 皇冠体育365赌博&我们对这份报告的回应可能是有限的.

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侵犯公民权利和性行为不端的区别是什么? 学生权利与责任处处理哪些案件?

Ethics and Compliance is charged with investigating violations of civil rights. 性行为不端在严重的情况下成为侵犯民权的行为, 持久的或普遍的,它创造了一个作品, educational or campus living environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, 敌意的或辱骂的. The determination of whether an environment is “hostile” must be based on all of the circumstances, 其中可能包括行为的频率, 行为的性质和严重程度, 该行为是否在身体上构成威胁或羞辱,以及该行为对遭受所称骚扰的个人的精神或情感影响. An “intimidating or abusive” environment exists when the conduct interferes with, 限制, or deprives an individual from participating in or benefiting from the university’s educational, employment and/or campus-residential experience (including participation in university programs, 活动或福利).

有时,一种行为可能会被a的成员所接受&移动商务 community but not reach the standards required by law to be a civil rights violation. 以确保这类行为不会得不到解决, 我们可以委托其他大学管理人员对不专业或不适当的性行为进行调查和制裁, 比如系主任或者教务长.

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如果学生被发现对违反政策负责, will the respondent be able to hold a leadership position in a student organization?

During an investigation of allegations of 性-based violence or non-consensual penetration of another person, 学生主任对学生参加课外活动的资格进行个案决定, 包括学生组织. 

调查结束后, a student who is 1) found responsible for 性-based violence or non-consensual penetration of another, (2)被给予“留校察看”或“休学”处分的,在留校察看/休学期间,在学校的信誉不佳. 

Students who are not in good standing with the university are ineligible to 1) hold an office in any student organization; or, 2)在任何官方活动中代表学校, 包括校际体育或其他形式的校际比赛或代表(包括在大学校园内外举行的活动).


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If someone retaliates against you because you made a report or participated in an investigation, 你可以控告他们报复. 报复包括工作斥责, 从团队或活动中退出, 成绩太差, 负面的评价, 威胁, 骚扰, 或者其他不利行为.

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All reports of civil rights violations (including Title IX) are forwarded to Ethics and Compliance. 道德与合规工作人员将与您联系,并邀请您参加会议以审查您的权利, 资源和选项. 你将有机会要求一个正式的解决方案, 非正式决议, 或者你的报告没有解决方案.

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是的. If you witnessed or become aware of a potential civil rights violation that is happening to someone else, 你可以向道德与合规部门报告. We will take your statement and then reach out to the impacted person to offer help and resources.

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我是一个学生. If I am found responsible for a policy violation, will it be recorded on my permanent transcript?

如果你被发现对基于性的暴力行为和/或未经同意的性侵犯负责,你将被开除或停学, 你的成绩单上会注明你已经被开除或休学. 没有其他制裁的记录符号.

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我是一个学生. 我想转到另一所大学&移动商务正在调查针对我的指控. 我能做到吗??


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我是一桩正在进行的刑事诉讼的被告. 我必须参加学校的调查吗?

在刑事诉讼中作为被告的学生应该仔细考虑他们是否应该参与学校的调查. While the university makes every effort to keep our investigation records private, 他们将在接到法律传票后被释放.

学生答辩人必须在指定的调查访谈和听证会的时间和日期出现, 如果适用的话. Students must identify themselves, but may decline to answer some or all of the questions.

The fact that a student refused to participate will not be used as evidence against that student. 然而, the fact finder cannot consider your side of the story if the fact finder does not have that evidence.

所有员工都必须全面参与调查. Failure to fully participate may result in discipline, up to and including termination.

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我不想和调查员说话. 我必须参与调查吗?

学生答辩人必须在指定的调查访谈和听证会的时间和日期出现, 如果适用的话.  Students must identify themselves but may decline to answer some or all of the questions.

The fact that a student refused to participate will not be used as evidence against that student.  然而, the fact finder cannot consider your side of the story if they do not have that information.

所有员工都必须充分参与学校的调查. An individual who fails to participate may be sanctioned, up to and including termination.

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我收到了道德与合规部门的调查通知. 道德与合规部门调查哪些类型的行为?

The Ethics and Compliance Office investigates allegations of civil rights violations at A&移动商务. 这包括基于受保护阶层的骚扰, 基于受保护阶层的歧视, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪. 我们也会调查因举报或参与调查上述行为而遭到报复的指控.

在德克萨斯大学&M University-Commerce, 受保护的阶级包括种族, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性, 性别认同, 性别表达, 性取向, 年龄, 能力, 退伍军人身份和遗传信息. Harassment or discrimination based on any of these classes can be reported to us.

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如需匿名举报,请联系 风险,欺诈 & 不当行为热线 at 888.501.3850.

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我是一个学生. 在提交报告后,我必须搬出我的宿舍吗?

在某些情况下, 你可能希望搬到另一个宿舍,以避免与你报告中提到的其他人接触. 如果您想这样做,请与道德与合规工作人员交谈.

在其他情况下, 在调查进行期间,学校可能需要将学生转移到不同的宿舍或限制学生进入校园的某些地点.

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Going through an investigation as either a complainant or a respondent is very stressful. Individuals may wish to seek on-campus or off-campus confidential support services, 包括咨询和/或医疗服务.

For information about counseling and other types of support services, please consult our 校园及社区资源.

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我是一个学生. If I am found responsible for a policy violation, will I lose my scholarships/financial aid?

超过一个学期在学校“表现不佳”的学生没有资格获得学校管理的奖学金. Some scholarships have stricter guidelines; for these scholarships, 不合格可能是由于较短的“信誉不佳”.”

也, 在以下情况下重新入学的学生:1)被发现对基于性的暴力或未经同意的插入他人负责, (二)被停职一年以上的, 没有资格获得学校奖学金.

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